it seems clear that, given the extraordinary promise of DDT and
the rapidity with which it impacted the presence of malaria, ma-
laria control would have been a priority even if the times had
been less antagonistic.
The same cannot be said concerning rural hygiene, which is why
the title of this paper has been formulated in an interrogative
manner. Rural hygiene, especially its environmental sanitation
component, is a long-term affair. Great patience is required to
alter traditional ways of life that interfere with local hygienic con-
ditions. It was precisely for this reason that the contribution of
cultural anthropologists was called for. However, there is little
in the literature to suggest that anthropologists would have ac-
cepted to play the educational role demanded of them, or even
that they were capable of fulfilling this role.
Also, third-world governments had their own priorities, ones
that did not necessarily include rural hygiene.Thus, it would be
unrealistic to suggest that had there been no ColdWar matters
would have turned out differently.
Rural hygiene remains today as much of a challenge as it did then.
However, had greater attention been given to it earlier on, valu-
able experience would have been gained that may have provided
a basis for more rapid and wide-spread successes.
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