A n a i s d o I HM T
use of IT. Figure 5 shows the main components.
Parkinsonnet.orgmay well be a forerunner of similar de-
velopments for other chronic and long-term diseases. In
this context it is interesting because it wasn’t planned by
any formal authorities but was developed by a clinician
who was dissatisfied with the previous services and how
they were organised and deliv-
ered. Professor Bas Blom didn’t
have a fully worked up plan in his
mind at that start but talks about
“starting small, thinking big and
moving fast”. He continuously
learned from his actions, taking
on problems as they emerged and
finding solutions.
Parkinsonnet.orgis led by a cli-
nician but other examples in-
volve entrepreneurial leaders
from different backgrounds. A
good example is the St Paul’s
Way Transformation Project
which brings together a wide
range of private, public and
third sector partners to re-gen-
erate an area in east London and
has created links between the
local school, health facilities, housing and pharmacy
as well as with universities and multi-national compa-
nies working in the area.[13] Interestingly, St Paul’s
Way is not purely or even primarily focussed on health
but nevertheless has a big impact on health in the area.
Some of the partners are shown in Figure 6.
Fig. 5:
Parkinsonnet.com Parkinsonnet.infoFig. 6:
St Paul’sWay