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Artigo Original

officially recognised malaria eradication in Portugal, in

1973. There were the Portuguese colonies in Africa –

the continent that was left out ofWHO’s malaria eradi-

cation programme – and there was the colonial war;

people coming and going between Portugal, Angola,

Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique; soldiers

leaving and returning from and to the rice fields re-

gions. All these circumstances made things harder, po-

litically and epidemiologically speaking.

A history of malaria elimination in Portugal is yet to be

written. Maybe it will clarify the multiple elements that

combined to make it possible, besides malaria seasonality,

limited distribution, mosquitoes feeding habits and DDT

use.Was it a blend of ecological, social and technical cir-

cumstances?Was it a confirmation that disease can be con-

quered regardless of social conditions? Anyway, it was an

accomplishment for medicine recognised and respected by

the interviewees; except for the fact that, as one of them

put it “the shakes were gone but not poverty”.


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